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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

10- Tim Corrin

Putrid's what you are
what if we're actually dead and this is just what comes after
you just become Tim
a fat, wallowing idiot
a centipede crawled by on the floor
flies surround you're a fucking nest, and really, can you blame them?
you're sweating writing this you fat fuck
you don't want to actually lose weight, you want something to whine about
to make yourself think your "life" is going anywhere, but it's not
just fucking end it man
at least if we do that we'll have had a fucking plan and then gone through with it
you don't even have the strength to do the things to confirm you exist
you just keep fucking walking forward, like a soulless puppet
keep eating
we ordered two pizzas a kebab and a sausage
and we're going to fucking eat it
do you understand me you fat fuck
this is the bed we have made
we don't have any drink, we don't have anything else, so we're going to do what we always fucking do and just stuff our face
until we vomit like a roman
you know, the people who came before you had hopes
they had aspirations
they had dreams
what the fuck have you got???
you've got nothing
you've got a fucking pile of nothing
no job, no future, a fucking boring past
you're just a fat little retard who never got a life because it was scary
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than wanting to die and being to much of a coward to do anything about it
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than trying to medicate with alchohol because you're too much of a faggot to do anything about it
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than imagining that Luke thinks the same way you do about him, as a friend or a partner
and there's nothing more Tim Corrin than doing nothing except get drunk outside his house
there's nothing more Tim Corrin than letting your sister talk shit about you because you stole her drinks at 1 in the morning to get drunk outside lukes house
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than writing this shit
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than giving up your first step out of this hell cradle and giving it to Tom.
There's nothing more Tim Corrin about getting to drunk to fuck those danish girls
There's nothing more Tim Corrin about thinking you had a chance with them in the first place, when even you were downing yourself
We don't even have the self confidence to not be a fucking dork when we're drunk
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than never having kissed a girl, and then getting rejected on your first try
God we suck.
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than attempting to throw yourself in a river and not getting past your waist
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than wanting to talk to someone so hard and never doing it
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than locking yourself in a room with a wide open door
There's nothing more Tim Corrin in pretending any of the stories about our family are true
There's nothing more Tim Corrin than seeing everyone around you live good happy lives
while you sit there
still unemployed
still angry at gates that don't even keep you in anymore
Fuck you.
With my entire fucking being, i despise you
We could write a fucking novel on everything shit about us
But we won't take that fucking step will we
we just can't kill ourselves
that would be so fucking terrible
because other people have become attatched to this fucking potato blight
they'd be sad to see it gone.

Fuck it.

10- Tim Corrin