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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

12 - The Musician

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

Tim, Amy, Lorne, Jagz, and Quillo stood at the ready on stage, eyes firmly trained on the walls, just like practice, they
could hear the discussion coming in from outside.

"So then, Note herder." said James, in a derisive voice.
"Eh, composer, your excellency." meekly replied Mister Calchinni.
James walked through the door into the concert hall, empty save the stage.
James hovered up and looked down upon the short Renarch.
"Note herder."
"Show me your 'Work'", he dripped the last word in enough sarcasm to kill a small horse.
Calchinni cleared his throat.
"Well, i understood that you wanted the best for the House of Fun's score, so i've got them for you" Calchinni declared with
pride, reaching out with an open palm towards the stage.
His spindly finger pointed up towards the stage.
"There's Tim, he's the one there on clarinet, Lor-"

"The best you say?" intterupted James.

James glared at the stage.
"I'll be the judge of that."

"Dmitri Shostakovich - Waltz No. 2."
"Yessir." replied Calchinni.
He carefully walked up to the stage, and adjusted the sheets lying in front of each of the performers.

Lorne began to sweat, He hated the burning lights of the stage, he breathed in heavily through his large frame, preparing himself for to drum.
Tim began playing his clarinet, Lorne joined in perfect unity, Jagz' mellow flute joined into the growing melody, it was calm, like a breeze.

Tim kept playing like he always did, ignoring the audience.
Lorne kept his mind dead focused on his performance, nothing could come between him and keeping perfect pace.
Quillo allowed himself to get swept up in the music as he played his large cello, swaying ever so slightly with each beat.
Amy waited dutifully for her part, playing the french horn with a delicacy one would be hard pressed to find in it's ample shape.
Jagz' Flute carefully peppered the waltz with a light edge.

performance came to a close, and each performer gave a bow.

Lorne was relieved, a huge weight lifted off his shoulders, Calchinni gave him a slight smile, and a nod.
Quillo's playing came to a stop slower than the rest of the troupe, and he stood back to bow with a small flourish.
Amy and Jagz both bowed in proper style of the new republic.
Tim bowed with great aplomb, raising his right arm to the sky.

James began to clap, slowly.
Calchinni's face shot up in excitement, but he dared not interrupt.
"They'll be fine" declared James, with a coy smile.
He fired two shots towards the hulking Lorne.
"Except the drummer."
Lornes face burned horribly, but he didn't have the strength to yell.
Death came quickly, surrounded by the faces of his fellow musicians.
James and Calchinni both began to walk away.
"If i may tell you the truth Calchinni, i don't care much for the Cellist either."
Calchinni wormily replied
"Oh, not a bother, i'm sure we'll find much better ones for the actual performance."

12 - Lorne Thatch