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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

15 - Jennin Yolt

Jennin sat atop Mt Edith, one of the tallest points on Git, up here in the scrapetops, the most mountainous region on planet,
the hike had been a hellish one, Jennin was carrying a supply pack as big as they were, but this was hhistory, and deserved a
good shot, the sky was a thousand shades of purple, the canvas of the gods, stars twinkled with oppurtunity to the elite few
about to leave, the peak was silent, Jennin had ran into exactly three people on the way up the mountain, all of whom turned
back before her, sharing a cup of tea of each of them as they stumbled back down the unforgiving, barely forged path.

Jennin's eyes turned towards the spheroid ships lying down on a smaller mountain nearby, the fuel reserves of Git had been been
drained in the past few years, so having a ship as close as possible to the Karman line had forced the
high altitude launch, and then struggled her large camera out the heavy rucksack, and positioned it on top a retractable tripod,
donning a pear of headphones affixed with a microphone, Jennin Began:

"Good evening."
words came slowly, the plan was there, the script was memorized, but it all fell at the first hurdle, you couldn't script out
history, and this was going to be the one record that the event about to take place would actually happening.
"I'm here at Mt Edith, to view the final departure of the Transstar liner, and with it, the final publically funded
interplanetary travel service" were the words that were supposed to come out.
"Well, the pricks are leaving." were the words that actually came out.
Jennin wasn't a particularly aggressive person, but now, now was different.
"If you look behind me, you'll see exactly how they're leaving, with the ships we paid for, with the money we toiled to earn."
Jennin looked away from the camera, and towards the sky, then sighed, turning back.
"That's it."
"That's the end."
"They took everything, absolutely everything, robbers, the lot of them."
"Fuck em."
"I'm here, at Mt Edith, to view the lsat departure of the of the Transstar liner."
"They got out fine, they always do."
"From now on, any interstellar treavel will have to funded by the individual consumer, critics have pointed out that due to a
n ever increasing level of inequality on GIt, this seems to make interstellar travel impossible for anyone not
already off planet"
"Other critics have pointed out the obvious environmental pains that will caused by the total reliance on personal trasnport, which can only exacerbate current climate worries."
"Which, as we practically all know, was obvious, they don't care, they never cared, they're leaving now so they never will have
to care."
"They broke everything, and we let them, because we were scared, and they told us that they would fix it, and who could blame us,
it was scary, terrifying even.
The sound of a thruster erupted to kill the silence.
Even though it drowned out the words, Jennin continued.
"People just carry on, even when there's not much of a point left anymore, we'll all be dead, quite soon, really, and slowly, any
evidence we were here at all will be long gone."
"An in that moment, when the final word of our language is drowned under a torrent of water, when heated magma calcifies and
locks the action of every existence here
under a rock tomb, nobody could justify trying to live for a few more years, or weeks, or even really justify why they ought to
get to the end of the day."
"But we keep going, for no real reason, because there's nobody we have to answer to."
"Nobody will force you to justify yourself, and that might sound like i'm saying it as a bad thing, but nothing should make you
feel more safe."
The initial stage of the final departing ship detatched itself, a collosal drum of fuel, now idly flying upwards for a few
moments, before it's descent.
Jennin adjusted her camera to the sky, where the second stage of the ship had begun to fire it's engines.

"We form stories, to make things make sense, because we think narratively." Jennin continued, aware that this actually was being
picked up by the microphone.
"At this point, i might say something like 'And i suppose that makes this, the end', and i would, if i were a coward."
"Now is the start of a pointless, hard, brutal fight that we will nearly certainly lose, a fight that will deprive us of comfort,
of leisure, and only provide hurt."
The shell of the now empty first stage solid sialed downwards, magnificent in how little the world affected it's quiet, constant
descent, and it grew faster, and faster still.

"We will lose, it is the nature of life to lose that fight, every creature who ever lived fought this fight and lost."
"Now, it is no longer individual creatures fighting that fight, but it is our collective fight, and we will lose, as we all did
"We will all burn together, and be comrades in arms in the gallows.
Jennin looked up to the sky again, and saw the remnants of a collosal solid rocket booster.
Jennin, in the split second to react, held their arms out wide and stared upwards.

15 - Jennin Yolt