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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

18 Harold Lart

Fire. Burning wood, chaos, screaming, running, collapsing.

The Federalists had set up a loudspeaker, blaring out a steel guitar slow tune, the music helped ease the troops, alongside the drugs, it masked what they were doing, to themselves at least.

Harry and Jack looked out onto the beachfront of their destroyed home, sitting on a dune caked in the glow of a sunset, hearing the soft crashing of the waves.

Harry looked down to his small pistol, still secured in his pocket, then looked back onto the sunset.

With a voice of certainty, Jason spoke "What's the plan Sarge?"
Jason was young, much younger than Harry.
The sound of a woman screaming filled Harry's silence.
"They've killed everyone."
"There is no plan."

Jason shot up with a look of disgust, and turned back towards the village, he stopped when he saw how large the fire had become.
"We got sloppy, Jason."
Jason sat down.
"I-i, i used the same false name a few times."
Harry looked down at Jason, he was raggedy, always was, he'd known him since he was much younger, he was against bringing him into the fold,
but he'd gotten sloppy once before, and Jason'd taken full advantage by getting himself as a position in the resistance.
"It's alright, it's my fault, i didn't check them over."

Tears welled in Harry's eyes, as he pulled out a bottle of drink, and two glasses.
"Buck up lad, it's our last."

Jason looked at Harry, his eye stalks were aged, wrinkles covering their entire length, he was sitting with single palm on the ground.
Harry poured out the entire bottle into the two glasses, and threw his back in a single gulp, Jason reluctantly did the same.

Harry began to sing a song from his homeland, in a scraggly voice racked by age and fear.
Harry began to quietly sob after the end of the song.
Harry turned to Jason.
"Jason, you're a good kid, i have one more order for you, as your seargant."
Jason looked towards Harry, and picked up his rifle.
"Cmon Sarge" desperatly said Jason, he knew what Harry was going to ask.
"We can fight em, we might not win but it's worth the fight."
Harry slapped Jason across the face.
"Stupid boy! And condemn the rest of them? They'll see our arms and burn every house looking for a compound."
Harry turned to the ground.
Harry turned to Jason.
"You know what i asked you to do, Jason, i am old, sick and weary."
"I have fought for so many years, i only wish to rest."
Harry closed his eyes, leaned back, and placed his hands crossed on his stomach.
I hope you are treated better than you were in this life, Harold.
Harry smiled, a single tear dribbling down his face.
"Thank you Jason."
"Give em' hell for me."
Jason fired.

18 - Harold Lart