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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

12/6/2098 21:54

If this terminal actually works i'll piss in my hat and eat it.

fucking seriously though thousands of half smashed computers, and i'm the one dipshit wacky funster who gets the one that actually works

300 years this thing has lasted i know people who died at 12 this is such bullshit

hardsoft built this fucker to last

i cant even take this piece of shit home with me its installed directly into the old grid

absolutely awesome.

/ -asdfghj+|zxcvbnm,./kl;'# 234567890-

literally every key works perfectly

i am so goddamn mad right now.

some guy carved tim was here into the side of the terminal

i never heard of a tim back at base camp, so i guess there are more people who survived


well goodbye little computer guy im pretty lost at the moment so i dont think well be able to come back to scrap ya

consider it your lucky day, fuck it have a name, enjoy it tim the computer.

24/8/2098 16:35


Dear Diary: Wow! What a haul! I'm currently deep in a shell in Concrete, i'm going to try to live here for a while. apparently someone before called it "Tim", i'm going to use Tim to keep a diary, that'll keep my minds off things, those people in the white coats were quite nice to teach me how to read, this is like writing but i have to hit keys, it's very slow, ok goodbye.

Yours truely: Yakat

28/8/2098 12:54

Dear Diary: Farm went great! i grew some chicksun in the patch on the roof of this shell, they're tasty! I've been keeping a look out, and it seems like nobody comes round here vrey often, which is just fine by me.

Yours truely: Yakat

30/8/2098 (Deleted Draft) 12:34

my shovel went missing yesterday abut i didn't see anyone on lookout, i'm scared.

i hid in a small room with a lock in theshell all day, i think they're gone now.

31/8/2098 23:54

Dear Diary: Saw two scavengers today crawling through shells opposite to mine, had a panic attack yesterday, feeling better now

Yours truely: Yakat

1/9/2098 01:23

theyre coming up they have knifes and guns help me tim

1/9/2098 02:36


Critical damage sustained, please contact a hardsoft engineer.

19 - Yakat Torin