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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

Stuck inside a small dark pod, a million miles away from civlisation, Trevor Wells kicks and jolts, in a constant state of seizure.

Two feeding tubes jammed into his throat alongside a iron lung have kept him in this state for many years.

Trevor Wells is a 34 year old Squibb woman, who enjoys the company of her 3 Fenec pets in her Hotel Du Galaxie apartment, in addition to this, she is a functioning alchoholic.

Trevor Wells is a 9999999999 year old species_name_undefined_error GENDER_NAME, who enjoys enj_1, enj_2, in addition, PRONOUN doesn't enjoy hate_1

Trevor Wells is a 6 year old Quiboan girl, who may have enjoyed strawberries, flowers, and her pet rabbit, Flopsy, she possibly disliked mean people.

Trevor Wells was a 21 year old Trid, a species with long hanging eyestalks, he entered a facility ten years ago, his brain was scanned, and then he left, £25 richer.

Inside the pod, Trevor Wells continued to spasm, tubes were attatched to him, tubes that kept him alive, they'd been placed there by sympathetic "biohazard waste specialists" from the FRS-L1N3, commonly known as "First Line" federal research center.

Trevor Wells, that is to say, this Trevor Wells, was born in a tube on the First Line, 3 weeks after his father's brain scan and DNA sampling, his father reportedly didn't like needles, but had braved it for the future of mankind, and 25 quid, he was raised in order to be the conduit of immortality, his body would keep someone alive, keep their brain, their memories, he would become them, his purpose was to give his life in the service of others, he was to be a brave Cerebranaut, his flesh the vehicle for small, equally brave machine.

He was the 15th in the drawing for this great honour, though he didn't, and never would, know it.

11 had been the successful one, their body had grew the "zero brain" that Trevor now had, a chunk of thinking meat with no "person" behind it, a perfect slate for the transplant.

Since then, the scientists at the First Line were experimenting.

The paper that would eventually be produced for internal viewing was titled:

Polyneurolgical development in "Zero Brain" subjects.

By Darren Oer.

The procedure started on a normal day, Trevor curled like a ball inside the tube, as a group of neurologists looked onwards.

First, the initial procedure, 15's limited sensory memory had to be cleared, the feeling of the tube, it's fluid, the distorted sights that he made during his mandatory excerscise routines, the colour of the fluid inside his tube changed, a almost impercetible change in hue from sickly yellow to a slightly darker sickly yellow, then his vision went black, and then he couldn't feel the fluid anymore, and then he was gone.

Then Trevor was returned, and quickly sedated before losing conciousness, they had to wake up in a bed, or they'd never trust the program.

They woke him up, and quickly, Trevor Wells understood that he was a copy of the original Trevor Wells, the Neurologists explained that he was a free man, but that they'd like to run some tests.

This was a lie, Trevor Wells was now property of the FRS, but the illusion of freedom normally meant patients were more cooperative.

Trevor Wells shook the hand of one Doctor Oer.

For the first week, his mind was kept mononeurological, and he was generally content, each week, he was asked the same set of questions:

Q: Who are you? My name is Trevor Wells.

Q: How are you feeling? Mostly fine, although i have a slight ringing in my ears, i think it's the recycler in my room. (Doctor's note, patients room was checked for any cause of this ringing sound and came back inconclusive).

Q: Please name one thing you dislike. Responsibility. (Doctor's note, patient hesitated for a good deal of time before answering)

Q: Please name two things you like. Science and Computing. (Doctor's note, patient has stuided neither of these in an academic environment.)

Q: How old are you? 21? I guess? (Doctor's note, patient asked for further clarification about the "age" of his body, this request was denied)

Q: Where are you? At a FRS research facility.

A week later, they began the second transfer, 15(2) was written onto 15's Brain, he became fidgety, and neglected his appearence.

Q: Who are you? I-I think my name is Trevor Wells.

Q: How are you feeling? I'm hearing voices, and the ringing is getting worse, I-I think i can hear words in the ringing now, i feel nauseous and confused and like i don't fit in my own body. (Doctor's note, this was the patients first articulation of a form of schizophrenia)

Sheila, should mind her own business. (doctor's note, Trevor wells at time of brainscan had no relation or communication with anyone named "Sheila" according to a followup questionairre presented to the patient, 15(2), however, had an antagonistic relationship to her mother, who went by Sheila.)

Q: Please name two things you like. Computing and Wine. (Doctor's note, patient requested wine specifically around 7:00 each day, this was denied, and the patient repeatedly became agitated, 15(1) did not initially seem to have any interest in alcohol, the embedded scan however, suffered with high functioning alchoholism.)

Q: How old are you? I feel older, like, i know i'm 21 but i feel a little haggard and strange, is this part of the tests? (Doctor's note, clarification here was denied in order to keep patient co-operation)

Q: Where are you? I'm in a rehab facility. Wait, shit, no, i meant a research facility. (Doctor's note, subject 15(2) had previously been placed in rehabilitation programs.)

15's daily regimine consisted of 4 physical tests, taking around an hour each, and a psychological exam in addition to the weekly questionairre.

By the second day of the third and final transfer, 15 was physically incapable of completing his physical tests, his body, controlled by three bickering masters, began to fail.

Doctor Oer stepped into 15's holding chamber, he was held upright, with tubes trickling nutrient slurry into his digestive system, a small machine pumped his blood, he snarled.

Q: Who are you? *Unintellgible garbling, followed by a scream of "4 VOICES" (Doctor's note, despite only having three transfer procedures, patient seemed to claim the existence of a seperate voice, brain scans reveal that the "zero brain" may reassert itself in certain situations, additional research required.)

Q: How are you feeling? *Unintellgible, followed by the patient pleading for "mummy". (Doctor's note, patient was restrained after attempting self harm after this question was presented.)

Q: Please name two things you like. *Patient begins first in a series of violent seizures. (Doctor's note, questioning was ended here, for what i hope are obvious reasons, the patient was then placed into the Biohazard Removal for final processing.)

In the final hours of 15's life, the four minds inside made peace with the fact that the body would never be their vessel, and Trevor's body, so wracked with the sores of 4 different masters, rested at peace.

On the small navigation computer, 15(1) wrote a message, to be heard to any who found him drifting in space:


Then the oxygen was gone, then sharp breaths, then a wracking, and then, he lay inside his starfaring coffin, and sailed into the beautiful ink forever.