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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

Across the beautiful depths of space, a couple is cycling, cycling around a grand smiulation on a space station, that lets them cycle to any point in the universe they cycle at a similar pace, looking into each other's eyes, or sight organs, as may be the case all around them, the lights shift and sift themselves into different lights, different rocks, different everything, around them, is bedlam outside the world whirls and crashes around them as they cycle past the iridescent rings of Reallyquiteermarkabletolookat VII they realise they've been staring at each other both are smirking and smiling they both think it, and they both know, and they both think they know that the other knows but then..... who knows? A guy just gets absolutely pulverised out there by an asteroid, i mean just, wow, man, rough way to go copper amber butterflies, made of glass and lighhtning fltter throughh the black and they just..... look at each other.... "WOOooooooOOOoAHAHHAH" plays a song on the speaker system "WOOOOOOOOOOOOAAHAHAHAHAHAH CHAKAKAKAK Let it LIIIIIIIIIIVE EXCEPT THTAT ONE GUYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!"

The author of the following story looks out to the waking, sunlit world and looks down at what he made. and the half eaten edibles next to him. "yeah fuck it" he thinks, he opens the small locked container next to his bathroom mirror, drops a small pill, and drops off the mortal coil.