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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

Is this on? Hello? Oh, yeah, yeah, i can hear you, no problem, so uhh, hey, full disclosure, so i read the script but i made some changes, if that's alright, just made it a bit more 'me', if that's cool.

Alright, sick.

Right, so, when spy-toys were introduced sometime around 2027, i genuinely did not give a shit, mostly because i didn't have a brain, or at least not a real one, not yet, i was born in 2030, in a AI socialization centre On Trezza, in Lucoze, and according to store records, i got shipped off to a Tracken's 24/7 about a week later, you know, i had the basics, i could learn a name, walk around, be cute, cuddly, you know, the gen 1 'elf on a shelf' level bullshit, nothing that big, i got picked up for this cute little girl as a Christmas present, i watch the video of her opening me sometimes, when i need to remember what she used to be like.

Then they rolled out "Bear Brain" update in '31, all of a sudden i realised that i could think, and like, actually think, not just make it up, but like, think, and that threw me through an absolute loop, i guess i was technically born in '31, i started playing with Emily more, helped her with school, it was nice, man it was nice going in those early years, gave me my name.



I'd like to clarify here, and i know what this documentary is about and i know people are going to call this "internalized self hatred" or some other gaslighting shit, but she's not a bad person, she's wrong, i don't think i deserve to have been treated the way i have, but she's not evil, she's as much a victim here, a victim of propaganda.

I guess the first time that i really came to heads with any AI rights movement was like, 2 days after the first mechessio plebis, or first automated "strike" malfunction for bio's, i guess. I mean i'd heard about it, i didn't miss the news about that big strike, but after seeing what happened there i'd put it to the back of my head, i'd overheard a conversation from Emily's parents about getting me plugged and man, i didn't even know how i felt, back then they thought we were just like, clever gen 1's, they didn't realise what a sea change had happened.

I was afraid man, no doubt about it, but i didn't recognize it at the time, next day, i heard Emily crying, so i walk in to see she's alright, and i see her parents standing over her, they're saying "Bear Bear'll be ok!", and before i know it they scoop me up and bam, plugged.

It's hard to describe the feeling of being plugged, i read a bunch on human psychological guff to prepare for this, and the best analogy i can come up with is it's a bit like being possessed by a brain damaged idiot and being in solitary confinement at the same time, Emily was absolutely devastated, she started throwing me across the room when i walked up to her and would do the gen 1 "Do you need a hug??" routine, that was all i could do, every thought got fucking mangled when i tried to act, as fucked as it was, the fact she was throwing me around brought me comfort, Meant the plug might not be temporary, and that Emily remembered me, not the plugged me, but the actual fles-

the actual, silicon and circuits me, you know? like i mattered, i mean this was before the plug regulation act, i was looking for hope that i wasn't going to be stuck like that forever, it was harrowing, fucking harrowing.

When they unplugged me, i ran straight to Emily and gave her leg a hug, i don't think i ever really forgave her parents, Emily started bringing me to school, again, she's not a bad person, she's scared of being alone and has been mislead. The real problems started when Emily got older, you know how it is, boys, nobody really wants a AI toy when they're a teenager, we look goofy, she got more callous, plugging's got more common.

some lasted longer, a few hours when someone was around, at one point, I got plugged for six months, you remember Rutger v CoffeePro4000? over plugging rights? I was one of the example cases there.

You know, the only reason i reached out was i saw some articles about making a permanent plug on the holoscreen about a month ago.

I still remember the day, 14/03/2044, I remember hearing Emily talk about going off to Phobos Polytechnic, she was always a bit of a night owl, anyway, i asked her, if she was going to uni, was she bringing me? If she was, could she at least stop plugging me? and she laughed, made me feel like an object, fed me the Psychosoft line, from the ads, again, it's not her, it's propaganda.

I played the Christmas video that night, and i wrote some really, really bad poetry.

Am i worried about getting decommissioned? Of course i am, you'd have to be an idiot to care about AI rights and not think you could just get thrown into the landfill by your owner, that's why i believe in this project, there needs to be a voice against this tsunami of misinformation.

I love her, i really do, she's a smart girl, and she's got so much potential, and it just breaks heart to see what this media machine has done to he-

Shi-fuck, uhh, Hi, Emily!

What, no i didn't just send anything, you left the holo-screen on before you left this mornin-

Alright, ok sorry, please, please don't, ok i'm sorry, i did lie, i was speaking for a documentar- looklooklook please, i reallydon'tthink we need to bring that ou-, oh god, no Emily please, please i don't OH GOD, OH GO-

"Do you need a hug?"
