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100 People who have died across the galaxy.


100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories. 4 - Shankil Yon

"Warning, you are not wearing any form of protection, your body will not be able to function in deep space."

"Proceed." Replied Shankil

"Calling psychological officer for an evaluation."

Shakil took his screwdriver and began to unscrew a panel on the right side of the airlock.

"Shankil, that action is illegal under the maritime sabotage act, please refrain from this cour-"

Karen's voice shifted from her usual tone to a static earlier incatation, where each word was said as it's own sentence.

"Default behaviour, restored."

"Open the airlock."

"Airlock, opening."

Shankil leant back as the artifical gravity waned.

He took a small white pill, and drifted out of the airlock.

Dan looked down at his screen at the little blinking green dot slowly leaving the airlock.

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit."

"Oh shit."

"Oh shi-"

"Dan." said Ted, clicking his fingers in front of Dan's face.

"What's going on?"

"He just, oh fuuuuck."

"He just what, dude come on."

Dan huddled next to Ted and whispered:

"Guy just shot himself out the fucking airlock without a suit."

Ted stepped back.



"So what do we do now?" asked Dan.

"Fuck dude, can we ignore this?"

"I mean it's not like anyone's going to notice one guy missing, there's like 350 people here."

Dan sighed.

"Yeah, you're probably right, cheers man."

"No problem."

4- Shankil Yon