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100 People who have died across the galaxy.


100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

5- Ludwig Caahn

Ludwig caught himself.

Music was coming from somewhere, thiumping, loud, techno music, that he knew.

He looked down, he was wearing jeans, and a plain t-shirt.

"What..?" muttered Ludwig

He looked around, it was a dreamscape of flashing colours, people close together on a dance floor.

He looked around, and saw a squibb woman he didn't recognize calling him over, the crowds seemed to melt away before him.

"Hey!", shouted Ludwig, over the music.

"You ready to dance?" replied the woman

Ludwig caught himself again.

"Uhh, yeah, sure, what's your name?"

The Squibb woman held out her hand "You know me, it's Cynthia!"

Ludwig looked at her again.

"Oh wow."


"No way."

thought Ludwig.

Ludwig felt happy, he'd done it, he must've asked her on a date, and from the way she was acting, and he was feeling, it was going great, he took her hand.

"How's he looking?"

"Yeah, doing alright."

The music slowed as they walked to the center of the dance floor, she was wearing a beautiful blue dress, he was dressed in a stylish tuxedo.

He took the lead, leading her through his arms, they came together close, dancing perfectly in time with the music.

"I never thought you'd be such a great dancer."

"Neither did i."

Cynthia leaned into him, closing her eyes, Ludwig did the same.

When he opened his eyes, he was on his couch, in jeans and a t-shirt again.

Cynthia was curled, leaning against his side, Ludwig kept looking down at the jeans he was wearing.



"Yeah?" replied Cynthia, looking at Ludiwg with a coy smile and drooping eyes.

"Did we change?"

"No? We just got back from the hotel du galaxie, come on, you haven't drank that much."

"Right, oh no, it's not that."

"Are you alright?" Cynthia hooked herself up.

"You look, tense" she said, supressing a giggle.

"Do you want a backrub?"

Hang on.

Hold on, nononono.

This is bollocks, this isn't happening.

This is just, pathetic escapism.

Thought Ludwig.

"Damn, poor guy, can't even cut loose in the pod."

"10 quid says he does."

"You're on."

Ludwig looked up at her.

"Yeah, i'd like that."

"Fucks sake!"

"Deal's a deal mate."

"Oh yeah, dude, are you sure you should be drinking that next to the pod?"

"Oh come on, it's fine, we do this all the time, it's chill, no worries"

Ludwig and Cynthia were laying in a hotel bed.

"This is nice, just being here like this." said Ludwig.

"Yeah." said Cynthia.

Ludwig sighed and sat back in bed.

"It's a shame it's all fake."

Cynthia crawled up next to him.

"Well, that's true, but that doesn't mean it was worthless."

"What do you mean?"

"If this is all just an illusion, made by your brain, then you think two things."

"One, you feel like going out with Cynthia would be a great time, and two, you'd have the confidence to do it." said Cynthia.

"Better than a film, this"

"Yeah, it's pretty fun, cheers."


"You know what, you're right, when i get out of this pod, i'm going to ask Cynthia out!"

"There ya go!" said Cynthia, giving him a light punch on the arm

The bed vanished, Cynthia and Ludwig both landed with a thud.

"Ow." they said, in unison.

"I wonder what that wasSssssssssssssssssssssssssss" said Cynthia


Cynthia's face stretched in horrible, un nattural ways, the building was on fire, and then gone, then back and fine, then on fire again.



"You spilled your fucking drink onto the circuits!!!!"


Ludwig was surrounded by a horrible black void.

"His fucking brain's frying man!, get him out of the fucking pod!"

"I'm trying, the thing's jammed!!"

Ludwig saw a white light, he glided towards it.

"Thanks, Cynthia."

"Holy shit man, he's fucking flatlining!!"

Cynthia sat down at her stool in the market outpost, another boring day.

She looked at her till, and saw the date.

Oh, that'll be good, that cute Gitten'll be here. thought Cynthia.

The day dragged on, slowly, she checked the clock.

Huh, he's usually in by now, it'd be a shame if he didn't come, he was the highlight of tuesday, they'd always have a nice long chat.

Cynthia walked home a bit sad, then went to bed.

It was probably something she said.

5 - Ludwig Caahn