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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

8- Catsher Yie

Sometimes, it's nice to be alone.

It had been years since he'd been there, he used to come here on break when he worked at the hotel years back, everyone who went to the hotel du galaxie for a while had one of these little spots.

He lit a cigarette, watching the suns set over the thin railing, he leant against it, put kept his feet firmly planted, he remembered it being frail. "What a view." he said, to noone in particular.

"It's not right." they thought. "It's my space." "Mine." "Not his." "Mine."

Catsher looked down at the federal insignia on his badge, the same insignia was marked on the back of his coat. "Why can't things just be simple again." he said.

"They're in my space." "They took everything and now they're in my space." "And they're just festering there" they thought, burning with rage.

Catsher leant forward on the railing, and heard a creak, he stood upright quickly. "Good to see nothing's new with you, hey buddy" he smirked at his own joke. "Nah, you're just the same old rickety crap." "So i guess that makes two of us." Catsher sighed.

He was furious. He walked up to the balcony, Catsher still stood, staring out towards the ocean. He kept repeating, over and over in his head "Rickety crap." "Rickety crap." He broke into a sprint, he kept getting louder and louder.

Catsher heard a scream from behind him, and began to turn The Gitten flung himself onto Catsher, tackling him at chest height, Catsher stumbled back into the railing, and it snapped under his weight.

The Gitten hooked himself up, and looked down at Catsher, falling 655 floors.

Sometimes, the Gitten thought, it's nice to be alone.

8 - Catsher Yie