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100 People who have died across the galaxy.

100 People who have died across the galaxy is a series of short stories.

9 - Jerry Tinns

Jerry sailed across the collosal split made down the halfway point of the ship, through hundreds of chunks of tables, chairs and windows, using a small pack on the back of his suit to gracefully fly around he pressed down on a button on his chest, and "good morning starshine" began playing in his ear.

He swung around in tune with the music, two laser pistols in hand, four federal soldiers, who'd managed to grab suits before the oxygen had completely escaped sprung from the two halves of the battlecruiser, he shot, keeping in time with the music, keeping his flying speed constant, he flicked the tip of two small bombs, and threw them beside himself, they shattered open two doors on each half of the ship, more clutter fired out of them into the freezing zone between them

He rocketed into a small office, the frozen corpse of a bloated Federal officer idly floating around the room, Jerry flung himself onto his office chair, and combed through the still connected computer

'Good morning staaaarshine' Sang Jerry

'The world says hellllo'

He drifted back out into the depths of space, and began the flight back to the Royalist ship.

He laid back and gently floated back into the airlock, he unhooked his Helmet.

"Ahh, another good day." he said, to the figure in the door.

He pulled out his laser pistol, and 5 shots rang out.

"Another good day indeed, Tinman."

The figure dragged out Jerries body, and threw it out the air lock, he gasped for breath repeatedly, over and over again, to get a desperate tone in his voice.

"Command, Tinns is down! I repeat, Tinns is down!, they're hot on my trail, making evasive manouvers now!"

"We hear you, we're cutting comms just in case they trace back the signal, stay safe."

9 - Jerry "Tinman" Tinns